(Y)our Mission: Responsible

Together. Innovative. Sustainable.

Welcome to PACCOR in United States

The Excelsior Springs plant was built in 1974 and became a part of PACCOR in 2014. The facility was expanded in 2010 and is currently 11,500 sq m. and converts 10,000 kT of material per year.

A strong emphasis on quality and collaboration has led in the past year to recognition as a Partner of Choice for Henkel globally, and receipt of the Supplier Excellence Award from Rockline. PACCOR Excelsior Springs employs 140 team members and is registered to ISO 9001-2015 and SQF.

PACCOR in the US in figures

47 Years Experience

47 Years Experience

1 Location

1 Location

140 Employees

140 Employees

Open positions in the US

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Safety Health & Environmental Coordinator
GeneralExcelsior SpringsUnited States /career/jobs-offers/jobs-in-usa?tx_fmjobs_jobs%5Baction%5D=show&tx_fmjobs_jobs%5Bcontroller%5D=Job&tx_fmjobs_jobs%5Bid%5D=744000045197395&tx_fmjobs_jobs%5Blocation%5D=Excelsior_Springs&tx_fmjobs_jobs%5Bname%5D=Safety_Health_%26_Environmental_Coordinator&cHash=69aeb22ee101f3e3426107afbe4c76fe
Safety Health & Environmental Coordinator

General | Excelsior Springs | United States

Mid-Senior Level


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