At PACCOR we CARE about a better tomorrow, today. Based on their main four key points being: Circularity, Alliances, Resources, and Employees, as well as non-financial indicators, the CARE strategy describes how PACCOR works towards this every single day. PACCOR has set clear and ambitious goals for 2023 and are openly sharing a sustainability report.
EcoVadis is one of the world’s most comprehensive sustainability assessment tools, evaluating companies on social, ethical, and environmental impacts. The used methodology is based on international sustainability standards (such as UNGC, ISO, GRI, etc.) and grades the efforts across four main pillars: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
In 2020, PACCOR determined that there was a need to create a structured sustainability roadmap and accelerate their own efforts. To strengthen this, they made the commitment to achieve a silver medal forEcoVadis by 2023. Today, PACCOR is very proud that they were able to reach this milestone one year earlier, combined with the biggest score increase ever for PACCOR. This was supported by a significant improvement in all four pillars, which shows that sustainability is at the core of their entire business.
“This is a big encouragement for the entire PACCOR family, as it clearly shows that the hard work done in the last year matters and moves the needle for the entire organization,” says Andreas Schuette, CEO at PACCOR. “This outcome only strengthens PACCOR’s mindset towards a better future. We care about a better tomorrow, and we will continue our push to do even better in the next year,“ concludes Andreas Schuette.
Sonja Teurezbacher
Vice President Group Communications & Marketing
EcoVadis is the world's most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Global supply chains, financial institutions, and public organizations rely on EcoVadis to monitor and improve the sustainability performance of their business and trading partners. Backed by a powerful technology platform, EcoVadis’ evidence-based ratings are validated by a global team of experts, and are adapted to more than 200 industry categories, 160 countries, and companies of all sizes. Its actionable scorecards provide benchmarks, insights, and a guided improvement journey for environmental, social, and ethical practices. 90,000 businesses collaborate with EcoVadis to drive resilience, sustainable growth, and positive impact worldwide. More: